One Year with Lexercise: A Customer Review

Anna H Reading on her couch after completing a year of LexerciseIn today’s post, Lexercise Clinical Educator Scott Tiernan interviews the mother of one of his clients about their year with Lexercise. Over to Scott….

Last week I finished working with one of my favorite clients, 10-year-old Anna.  Anna completed 48 weeks of Lexercise, and as her mom said during our last session, Anna has now “graduated.”  Anna earned over 300,000 Lexercise game points during the year (which she cashed in for chocolate bars!), but more importantly, she went from reading 3-letter words to reading at over 95% accuracy on 4th grade level passages.  Multisensory, structured intervention, time, and hard work go a long way.

After our final session, I sent Anna’s mom, Becky, a few questions about her Lexercise experience. Without further ado, take it away, Becky.

ST: Anna recently finished her 48th week of Lexercise and has now, in your words, “graduated.”  What motivated you to stick with Lexercise for a whole year?

BH: The motivation for sticking with Lexercise for a whole year came from seeing improvements in Anna’s reading and also her spelling.

ST: What changes have you seen in Anna academically over the course of the year?  In what areas has she improved most? 

BH: Anna went from only being able to sound our simple 3 letter words to tackle just about any word.  Her attitude has changed tremendously.  She used to dread school because it was so hard for her to read her school books and she began to feel bad about herself as a result.  Now she has regained most of her confidence and likes to tackle most of her work without help.

 ST: Tell us some of the things you liked about having Anna work online?

BH: I live an hour from the nearest learning center which could help with her reading difficulties. Being able to do Lexercise from home saved time and the flexibility was great.  I was also appreciative of being able to chat with our clinician after each session for ideas of what to do at home to help with the process.

ST: Are there some areas of literacy you would like to see Lexercise focus more on?

BH: I would like to see Lexercise add a reading comprehension component.

Good news!  We are delighted to announce that Lexercise therapy now includes access to an online Lexercise Book Room called Raz-Kids, with reading selections, an audiobook feature, and reading fluency and comprehension checks. The Clinical Educator can assign books and passages for children based on skill level and interests. This kind of reading practice improves comprehension and motivation and reduces frustration and provides the Clinical Educator with a great way to track progress.

ST: Lexercise is a big commitment.  What would you say to parents who are considering Lexercise?  

BH: Lexercise felt more like a blessing than a commitment.  My children’s education is very important and being able to have a resource that helped my child made the commitment easier.

And, one question for Anna ….

ST: What was your favorite thing about Lexercise?

AH: I liked the passage reading and reading all the different stories.

Congrats on graduating from Lexercise, Anna!  Have a fun summer relaxing and reading.


Thank you, Scott. We love to hear success stories!

If your child has difficulty reading, writing, or spelling, Lexercise can help. Take a look at our Online Dyslexia Testing and Treatment page us contact me directly at or 1-919-747-4557.


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Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC

MA/CCC - Co-founder and Chief Knowledge Officer

Lexercise’s Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) and ASHA fellow, brings a wealth of expertise in speech-language pathology and 40+ years of literacy instruction. Her background in teaching and curriculum development provides Lexercise with a solid foundation in evidence-based practices. Sandie’s profound understanding of learning disabilities and her commitment to inclusive education drive the company’s innovative approach to literacy.