Helpful Homework Tips

Helpful Tips for Homework Time (2)
Homework time has the potential to be a stress-free daily activity to share with your child. It does not have to be the tedious task to cross of the to-do list that so many families treat it as. This time is especially important if your child has a reading disorder, so we feel you should be prepared and have some tricks up your sleeve for navigating this after-school requirement.


Go over homework that needs to be done to create a game plan before he or she gets started. This way they will have a clear plan in mind to attack their to-dos. Once you’ve reviewed what your child needs to do, go over how he or she will do it. For example, divide the homework into parts with breaks in between to recharge. Help your child brainstorm ideas they may need for homework to get an educational dialogue started.


If your child is old enough to use a computer, teach them how to use spell check so that they feel more independent while doing their work. Make sure you are available for any questions they may have but don’t do their homework for them. Be sure to praise them for what they have completed. Encourage them to make notes about what they do not understand, so that they can remember to ask their teacher the next school day.

Moving Forward

Help your child organize their notes for each class into separate folders– color coding is suggested but not necessary. Check to see if they are writing down homework tasks in their planner, if not explain how important
that is to be successful in school. To minimize stress in the mornings, pack up their backpack the night before so they are not frazzled entering the classroom.

As you know, you won’t always be by their side when doing academic work– so help them be independent learners. If they are stuck on an individual problem, challenge them to think of multiple correct ways they can complete the task. Remind your child that quality means more than quantity, so there is no need to rush.

If your child is showing the symptoms of dyslexia, you can test him or her with our free screener here. 

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Taylor Quinn

Blog & PR Intern

Taylor is a senior studying communication at NC State University. As the Blog and PR intern for lexercise she utilizes her passion for writing to help inform parents of struggling readers, writers and spellers. She feels a connection to Lexercise through her love for children and their well-being.