From all of us at Lexercise: a very happy holiday season!

picture of dog on the field

Over the holidays, families often have a little more time together at home, and we hope that if you have a young reader in your home you will spend some of that time reading and talking together. 

Here’s a little fill-in-the-blanks poem that we hope you and your young reader will enjoy together.  Read the poem aloud to your student and when you come to a blank – stop and ask your student to fill it in.  Poems don’t have to rhyme, but rhyming can be fun. 

After each blank, we have suggested a rhyming word. Maybe your student will come up with a different one. The sillier the better! 

Happy Holidays from your friends at Lexercise!


Fill in the Blanks Poem

The Neighbors’ Dog

Just as night was growing dark

I heard the neighbors’ poodle _______ [bark].

Like every night, he’s standing guard

outside the door in their back_____ [yard].

He doesn’t wonder, doesn’t roam,

just waits and waits ‘til they come ________ [home].

And then they take him for a stroll.

He likes to run. He likes to ________ [roll].

His tail is up, his neck is bent,

his nose attends to every _______ [scent],

and when he’s had a good long roam,

he pulls his leash to hurry _______ [home].

I like that dog, his bark, his whine.

Sometimes I wish that he was _______ [mine].


For book ideas to enjoy during the holiday break, click here.

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Liz Jensen

Customer Operations Manager

"As an avid lifelong reader and dedicated homeschool parent, I have had the privilege of guiding my two children through their entire educational journey up to high school. Since joining the Lexercise team in 2017, I have been passionate about contributing to our mission of transforming lives through literacy. I find great joy in helping families access the support they need through our platform and collaborating with our exceptional team of reading specialists. Being part of this impactful work is truly fulfilling."