Why Do Families Love Our Literacy Program?

Lexercise families appreciate the accessibility and flexibility that our program offers while our students love our fun educational games. Read some of their stories below.

Noah and Liz McKechnie's Review of Lexercise

Lexercise Stories

Linda, grandparent

Student’s age: 9 | Basic Therapy

“COVID and her first-grade class failed to give my granddaughter the skills she needed to succeed in reading. Lexercise had the expertise and validated learning she needed.

“When my granddaughter was in second grade, she would avoid reading at all costs and cry if asked to read. She struggled reading any words. Now she wants to read on her own and can decode words like ‘complimentary’ and harder 5-syllable words. She can be an independent learner now and for the rest of her life because she can R-E-A-D!

“Having been a Special Education teacher before homeschooling my granddaughter, I agreed with Lexercise using all the best in educating struggling readers. I joined in her learning, following along with her progress as it is entertaining to her level. I learned a few ‘word mastery’ information I never knew, at least that I remember. My granddaughter needed someone to guide her in the reading rules more than just once in a lesson book. I am thankful for Lexercise as it gave her all the skills she needed to decode words. The level system was motivational for her, but the thing she loved the most was the caterpillar that popped up with correct words occasionally. Lexercise follows the best practices in decoding skills. I highly recommend this program. Yes, it costs money but the rewards are beyond monetary value. I can’t imagine getting this level of one-on-one care within a public school.”

Ara Stevens, parent

Student’s age: 13 | Professional Therapy

“Lexercise has helped our child go from fumbling through every word to not only reading but comprehending and engaging in the material. Our son’s confidence in reading and comprehension has improved 1000 percent, absolutely life-changing for us as a family.

“Dyslexia is a terrible disability to try and overcome, especially for young adults that have been overlooked in the public school system. Finding the proper educational treatment modality is crucial when years of neglect of the disability have taken place. Lexercise has its own way of breaking down the disability and reteaching proper reading techniques through an interactive game play that incorporates both tactile and phonetic transcription in a way that allows the child to have fun while absorbing the information like a sponge. Lexercise was also very gracious in granting our child a 12 week scholarship that has undoubtedly changed his life. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you Lexercise.

“Sara(h) Ward’s passion for teaching children to read is a shining light in a dim world. The relationship that she has built with our son over the past 12 weeks is without parallel, her professionalism, punctuality, and teaching techniques go far beyond any expectations we could have ever imagined. Thank you Sara(h) and we look forward to our continued success.”

*Access to Lexercise services was provided through the Natalie Wexler Dyslexia Scholarship, offered in conjunction with the Lexercise professional development course sequence.

Christina G., parent

Student’s age: 12 | Basic Therapy

“My son Roman has received services since he was in preschool, but he did not start Lexercise until the end of 6th grade and I really wish I had found this program sooner! If I can only emphasize one thing about the program is, it works. We needed it years ago for our son but I am so grateful we are doing it now. I was concerned with his reading, spelling and writing being below grade level and going into middle school, even after the help the school was providing him. That’s when I started to look for outside help and found Lexercise. I chose basic therapy since I’ve spent years of being his support and tutor at home that I felt I could do it and that the knowledge I learn could only help me further continue that role for him. His therapist is Camille Allred and she is an amazing teacher and support to us. She answers every question we have and gladly checks in with us to make sure we are doing well in the program. It is great to have Camille as a resource.

“We are only halfway through and I just love the structure of the program. Not only does the repetition built into the program help, but it also builds their confidence. The program has now helped him in multiple areas of struggle. He no longer often asks how to spell a word; his writing speed and fluency have improved and he has become a more confident reader.

I asked my son Roman to write a testimonial and this is what he had to say, ‘Lexercise is a really good learning system by helping kids any age get over their struggles in school or other. This really helped me get over reading and writing struggles and I’m only half way done.’

“If you’re on the fence, you will not be disappointed. And if you’re able to begin the program at an earlier age than my son, I would recommend that. We make the time for it but middle school is faster pace and there was much more flexibility during those elementary school years. I really do love the program and it didn’t take me very long to come to that conclusion. Thank you, Camille, and thank you Lexercise.”

Courtney Tetreault, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Basic Therapy

“[My son] struggled with dyslexia tutoring. I knew that the gamified approach of Lexercise and the ease of use would be helpful for both of us.  Lexercise has helped us accomplish dyslexia tutoring without the rigid schedule and stress for [my son]. He has made so much progress!  I would highly recommend Lexercise to any parent that is on the fence. Camille [supporting therapist] has been so helpful to us as well.”

Yael Mayefsky, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Basic Therapy

“I was looking for something based in Orton-Gillingham that was hands-on, fun and something we could use flexibly.  Lexercise has become part of our daily routine and has offered reinforcement of skills, structure of language, and practice. Nirtza’s teachers have been able to see her progress over time.  We are so grateful to Lexercise!”

Ashley C., parent

Student’s age: 14 | Professional Therapy

“My son is Dyslexic, has Dysgraphia and ADHD, and year over year the interventions he was receiving at school weren’t helping him. The academic gap kept getting bigger and bigger. I worked in the education system he was in and had faith that we would get him caught up, but finally, when he was going into 8th grade many grade levels behind, I knew I had to do something outside of school. One of the best reading teachers I’ve ever known of had gone to work for Lexercise. I knew she would only have chosen the best reading program to use daily with struggling readers. I called her and signed up my son.

“I was devastated when our personal tutor assessed my son and I found out he was functioning on a 1st grade reading level. I felt like a failure as both a parent and an educator. I read to him as a child. There are books in our home. How did I not know the gap was so BIG? I knew then we had to commit ourselves to him practicing 4 days a week and meeting with his [therapist] weekly. We had a year before high school and he could not go into 9th grade behind. He’s an athlete and the amount of work involving reading would bury him if he wasn’t on grade level. It was a daunting task, 8 grade levels of reading in a year, but he’s smart and had learned to cope by mostly memorizing what he was hearing in class, so I had faith. I can’t tell you we were perfect, but 90% of the time we were on track with games 4x a week and weekly tutoring for his 8th grade year and the summer before he started 9th grade. He got through level 13 in that time and I’m super proud to report that he started high school at a 9.5 reading level! He also passed his end of course Algebra I exam over the summer getting him one credit ahead starting high school. Something he couldn’t have done without his much improved reading ability thanks to his awesome personal [therapist] Ms. Shelley (Yeater) and Lexercise! We’ve been so impressed with his progress that we’re not stopping now that he’s on grade level. We’re committed to completing the program to make sure he has all the tools he needs to be successful in the future. I’m so grateful for the program and our [therapist] Ms. Shelley for encouraging our son to stick with it all along the way.

“I highly recommend Lexercise and Ms. Shelley to any family who is looking for a reading program that works and a [therapist] who cares. It is well worth the investment in your child’s future. I highly recommend jumping in early when you first realize your child is struggling; I wish I could go back and do it over. However, I’m also an example of the fact that it’s never too late to get your child the help they need to be successful academically.”

Kelley Bouchard, parent

Student’s age:  8 | Professional Therapy

“My son has dyslexia and was still not reading or even able to identify letters. (I thought he just wasn’t interested in words or letters and that’s why he wasn’t ‘getting it’.) When he was about 7 1/2 he said, ‘Mom, I can’t read, and I want to learn.’ I knew he had an issue then. It was the first time he’d opened up about it. When I would ask before he would just shut down…. Uriah has gone from unable to read or identify letters to an emerging reader. I’ve been so impressed with his building confidence and how the program works. It’s been incredible watching him grow and realize he can do something he didn’t think he could. We love Lauren (Belline). She is Uriah’s therapist. She’s always asking him questions to get to know him and connect with him. She always encourages him and works with him even when he’s not cooperating. It’s hard work, and she recognizes that. I really appreciate that about her.”

Sarah, parent

Student’s age:  6 | Professional Therapy

“My son started the program at pre-K level… He enjoyed the games and independent activities. We saw tremendous progress in his speed of sounding out words, reading speed and ability, words he committed to memory, and understanding of phonics. The quick lessons at home were helpful to keep me knowledgeable and in-the-loop as his primary teacher for homeschooling. Rhonda (Hill) was patient and customized the Lexercise games and learning objectives to fit his needs and what was working/not working….Rhonda also helped motivate him with the point system within Lexercise. After meeting goals, he could pick an incentive with us (his parents) and something with Rhonda (maybe extra points, new book). [Our] picture is a Mommy-Son date reading new books together.  Lexercise is a great resource especially if in an area with limited dyslexia interventionists. He gained so much confidence reading, writing, and sounding out words.”

Justine D., parent

Student’s age:  7 | Professional Therapy

“Lexercise has been nothing short of a miracle for my 7yr old son. I have been homeschooling for 2 years and I started to notice he was really having difficulties in first grade and not grasping the Language Arts program of his curriculum. When we started therapy, he was reading at a preschool level and with much frustration and tears! Only three months later, he has gone up 2 grade levels! He loves playing the games every day and looks forward to his weekly sessions with Terra, his therapist. She has been so kind and patient, always keeping him engaged during his sessions. I learned so much myself during this time and she helped me become a better teacher for him. He is much more confident in his reading and writing now and looks forward to his next challenge!”

*Access to Lexercise services was provided through the Natalie Wexler Dyslexia Scholarship, offered in conjunction with the Lexercise professional development course sequence.

David, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“The Lexercise program was an easy and convenient way to continue good reading habits at home. The program offered fun games that my son enjoyed, and could not get enough of.

“His therapist, Ms. Hill, was so friendly and enjoyable. She taught my son simple, easy to learn, rules that help him improve his reading level dramatically. I would recommend Ms. Hill and her program to anyone seeking dyslexia help.”

Tauna from Proverbial Homemaker

Student’s age: 9 | Basic Therapy

“Lexercise has given me confidence as a homeschool parent that my son is getting the language support he needs. His reading has taken off, we’re seeing improvement in spelling, and he LOVES the Lexercise program. When he’s asked what subject is his favorite in school, he says Lexercise! Plus, the therapist and tools Lexercise provides me as the teaching parent has made a huge difference. We get help when we get stuck, I learn how he learns best, and we are more consistent each week with his lessons. It’s a huge win in our homeschool!”

Opinions are those of the clients. Lexercise offered our services and financial compensation to Proverbial Homemaker in exchange for their honest testimonial.

Michele, parent

Student’s age: 11 | Professional Therapy

“I chose Lexercise because we live in a rural community with no access to help for dyslexic and dysgraphics. This program gave my son the chance for assistance without the need to travel hours weekly.”

“My son has excelled since he started Lexercise and meeting with his tutor, Greg Parent. He wakes up early every Tuesday to meet with Mr. Greg! He enjoys his time and he is learning in leaps and bounds. My son made the Honor roll his first semester of middle school. This is something I never thought possible due to his learning profile. Mr. Greg and Lexercise gave him the confidence and the tools to excel with a different learning profile than his peers.”

“I cannot thank you and Greg Parent enough for this excellent program and confidence in my child that so many before had written off.”

Melissa, parent

Student’s age:  8 | Professional Therapy

“My son, academically, has gained more confidence and self-esteem. His reading and spelling test have gone from major fails to successes. Before starting the program, reading would create a lot of persuasion, arguing, anxiety and mostly a lot of crying and self doubt. My son felt like he would never learn how to read and would get discouraged and very upset. He could not understand why reading came so easily to his classmates but was such a nightmare for him. Now, he is in third grade, still struggles to read but can read up to grade 1 books. We are continuing the program and I know he will soon catch up. His teachers are impressed with his learning improvement. His anxiety to attend school has greatly diminish which is beautiful to see.”

“Elyse (Loudenbarger), our tutor is our angel! …She is flexible, kind and provides solutions for any obstacles that might arise. She is also a great support for me, the mom! Raising a child with learning difficulties paired with anxiety and a few other challenges often feels overwhelming and lonely but …with Elyse’s support I feel hopeful and reassured that my son will have a bright future…The program might seem expensive and time consuming, but it is worth every penny and the time. The program itself provides a lot of articles, information, games, and much more. With Lexercise and Elyse I feel calmer, happier, and confident.”

Jaime Pasieniuk, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“We received a recommendation from my daughter’s Audiologist that this program would benefit her in her goals of improving her reading and spelling.  Elise is now using the skills taught in the Lexercise program to decode new words she comes across in her reading. Her reading speed and comprehension have improved. Her Lexercise coach was very encouraging and Elise’s confidence grew with reading and spelling.”

Ethan’s parent

Student’s age:  9 | Basic Therapy

I chose Lexercise “to help with ADHD, reading comprehension, and spelling.” 

Lexercise “… helps us take things slow and a little at a time. So helpful!! I see progress and he gets so encouraged!”

K. Nauta, parent

Student’s age: 15 | Professional Therapy

“We had tried other programs that didn’t work, so we had nothing to lose.  Lexercise and his therapist (Camille Allred) has made it possible for him to read successfully and confidently. We had tried other programs and this was the only one where we saw results. We don’t know where we would be with out Lexercise.”

Christina Burger, parent

Student’s age: 9 | Professional Therapy

“We had hit a point in our reading instruction that we just were not progressing, our son was beginning to dread reading and getting very frustrated[…]. I researched different options and heard from many parents about the success they found with Lexercise. […]

“Nicole has been such a HUGE part of our journey! As a parent who was just beginning to learn about dyslexia, I was very overwhelmed, unconfident, and worried that I was failing my son or unable to provide him with what he needed. From our first conversation, Nicole was extremely positive, educated, and informed on dyslexia and how she could help. […] Our son responded to her genuine encouragement and enthusiasm, and she was able to really hone in on the areas that he needed extra help, meet him where he’s at and challenge him without overwhelming him. As a parent, she was SO responsive to my messages and questions. She was very encouraging to me, helping me with the parent resource side of things, as well as providing me thoughtful feedback and encouragement that really helped me grow in my own understanding of dyslexia and capabilities in how I can help my son. […]

“Our son[‘s] confidence has continued to build. He also really enjoys the computer instruction throughout the week. He does his practice every day without complaint, and he loves unlocking new levels and seeing his points increase, and meeting his goals. I also really like how Lexercise lays out the parent portion – I always know exactly what he and I need to do together to strengthen his skills and the activities are often enjoyable and varied. I feel like we have a solid partner in his reading journey!

“The combination of the Lexercise program with Nicole’s guidance, encouragement, and expertise has been a game-changer for our son. He’s now reading for fun on his own!! He has the ability and confidence now to try reading new things without hesitation. It’s been incredible to see his confidence just skyrocket with this program. And his spelling! Wow! That was one surprise I hadn’t anticipated. I really thought we’d have to work on reading first, and spelling would come much later down the road. His spelling actually improved after just the first lesson, and he continues to use his skills in all he writes. We are very happy with the continued results.”

Marie D., parent

Student’s age: 7 | Basic Therapy

“After reviewing several programs, it seemed like the best fit. I like that it has direct lessons but then several days of independent practice to review what was taught. My son has trouble focusing for long periods of time. The length of the daily practice works well for him. If the direct lesson is a long one, I can break it into two sessions to make it work for my son. The flexibility in the program is key for us.

“My son was about two school years behind in reading. It also took him a very long time to write even one sentence. Writing frustrated him as much as reading, if not more. We’ve only been doing the program for about three months and I’ve seen such growth in him. He is able to consistently read and spell multi-syllable words and words with consonant blends. The best part is watching him gain confidence in his abilities. He’s actually said multiple times that he finds the program fun.”

Lorna, parent (UK-based)

Student’s Age: 10 | Basic Therapy

…[My son] was unable to spell and he became increasingly anxious and under confident. I couldn’t get any support for my son through his school and I was worried that, in time, this would have a detrimental impact on his future studies…. The program has been life changing. [My son] has learnt how to see patterns and use tools to spell words. He went from writing one sentence where he was unable to spell one word correctly to writing several sentences with the odd incorrect word. [He] has grown in confidence and has been able to acknowledge himself the improvement he has made. As a mum, I feel happier that he is better prepared for secondary school and that he is not so anxious to put pen to paper.

The website is user friendly. The resources are fantastic. Although I didn’t feel the need to contact [our therapist], I knew I could contact her if I needed to. She always replied promptly and provided support as and when I needed it. She also emailed me from time to time to see how things were going and to let me know that she was checking in on [my son]’s progress. This program is worth every penny and although it does demand dedication from both the child and parent, it is certainly worth it in the end. 

Schynequa Mathis, parent

Students’ ages: 10 | Professional Therapy*

“…it has worked wonders…her special education teacher when they returned to school just could not believe how much she had caught up…It has truly been amazing for us. I could not have found a better program for them.”

*Access to Lexercise therapy was provided by Dyslexia Services Foundation, a non-profit established by the owners of Lexercise.

Elizabeth Hall, parent

Student’s Age: 9 | Professional Therapy

“…I was in a state of desperation. My daughter and I had tried more curriculums than I could count. I laid awake every night researching and worrying. We both had shed more tears than I’d like to admit. We had tried 2 different reading tutors who could only get us so far. Which wasn’t very far! …The first week with Lexercise was a bit overwhelming for both of us but our therapist was there every step of the way… By the second week, I could already see my daughter making progress… It was so encouraging! …After just 8 weeks we have watched our daughter gain so much confidence and improve her reading level by almost 2 grade-years. I’m excited to see how much further she can go with Lexercise.”

Mollie Stiles, parent

Student’s age 9 | Professional Therapy

“…the frustration built, walls went up, and his attitude and actions tanked. Those moments when sounding out didn’t click became the norm, and reading became drudgery…I saw the light going out, something had to change. Then, we found Lexercise…it really is the force that changed the trajectory of my son’s education and self esteem. Being matched with an amazing teacher that does nothing but encourage, explain, and tailor Lexercise to his needs has been game changing. Miss Emily is a beloved part of my son’s life, and her willingness to draw out the best in him is a gift. […] The tasks are simple, well scripted, and easily understood. The steps to learning are scaffolded in such a way that he has truly been able to master the concepts before him. Lexercise has restored his will to try, and even more importantly, his joy. He beams that he is able to accomplish what he so desperately has desired for years, the ability to fluently read. Lexercise is hard work, but it’s magic as well. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking for a way to reach readers who are struggling. It has meant the world to us.”

Shay Discepolo, parent

Student’s Age: 7 | Professional Therapy*

“The lockdowns caused a big learning gap for our son. When lockdowns happened, he was in kindergarten so going back to school in 1st grade, we noticed he was not doing well on assessments. I found Lexercise … Our son has made HUGE strides. On school assessment, he improved 106% and was advanced to 2nd grade to begin this year. He is reading so much better now and is even mastering inflection with different punctuation when reading. Comprehension is much improved as well…Camille DeGomez […] was kind, patient. and supportive. She always responded to messages and was always available. She connected with my son and encouraged him through all the lessons. We are very grateful for the individual attention our son received and are pleased that he is now on track with his reading proficiency.”

*Access to Lexercise services was provided through the Natalie Wexler Dyslexia Scholarship, offered in conjunction with the Lexercise professional development course sequence.

Roxanne, parent

Student’s age: 6 | Professional Therapy*

“My child has no idea how many headaches this program has prevented. Me on the other hand wished I was taught these lessons from the get go…Miss Camille […] took the extra time and effort to make sure my child and I really understood the lessons; allowing us to be set up for success.”

*Access to Lexercise services was provided through the Natalie Wexler Dyslexia Scholarship, offered in conjunction with the Lexercise professional development course sequence.

Sydney K.’s parent

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“I was amazed at his improvement in 7 [to] 8 weeks.”

David Morales, parent

Student’s age: 13 | Basic Therapy

“I am thankful for Lexercise…Once [my son] sensed his improvement, there was no turning back. The most gratifying part of this phase of [his] life, was to see his self-confidence flourish alongside his reading skills. Today, [he] has overcome his dyslexia so dramatically, that he is an A-student in Honors English as a high school junior, and plans to take Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature next year as a senior. He will soon be applying to some of the top universities in the country. The vicious cycle that once left him feeling ‘dumb’ (reading poorly > not being interested > therefore continuing to read poorly) was obviously never about his intelligence. Lexercise was the key tool that helped [him] to unlock not only his reading potential, but his self-confidence…he… no longer feels like his dyslexia is a ‘disability.’ In fact, we have always marveled at the different way [his] brain works, how he troubleshoots solutions to all kinds of problems that the rest of us ‘non-dyslexics’ in the family didn’t imagine. We are very proud of who he has become. Thank you, Lexercise!”

Dawson, student

Student’s age: 9 | Professional Therapy

“I was struggling at school and I wasn’t happy. I hated school and used to take lots of water breaks. I used to hide in the restroom and [would’ve] done anything to avoid schoolwork. I was so unhappy in school that I used to cry myself to sleep at night…

…When I started Lexercise, I was at a Pre-K reading level, and now I have completed the course. Now I can read at any level but tested at a 95% at a 9th grade reading level. I am very happy that I have completed the Lexercise course, and I’m not struggling anymore. In fact, I’m the top reader in my grade.

I would highly recommend Lexercise to anyone who is struggling at school. Never let dyslexia hold you back!”

Note: Dawson insisted on doing his own testimonial, so he wrote his own script and recited it for his mother who recorded it.

Jennifer Desmond, parent

Students’ ages 5 & 7 | Professional Therapy

“Aside from it completely working, the big takeaway for me was that it gave me the tools as a parent to be able to help my kids and this was not something I could find anywhere else….The program is just so manageable and it’s so structured – so doable.  I think anyone can do it.”

Noah & Liz McKechnie, student and parent

Student’s age: 7 | Professional Therapy

“I am confident!” -Noah, age 7

Opinions are those of the clients. Lexercise offered our services in exchange for their producing the film. 

Amber Baumgartner, parent

Student’s age: 13 | Basic Therapy

“My son struggled horribly last year…we sought out services of a psychologist…had him tested…the results were that he was dyslexic…Our doctor recognized Lexercise as a really good program that could be beneficial to him…so we signed up for the Basic Therapy Program…I am seeing an improvement in his grades. I am seeing more consistent spelling and I feel like his reading fluency and comprehension are also improving….it’s wonderful seeing the improvement that we have already.”

Nicole Johnston, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy*

“I thought it wouldn’t help me, but it actually did help me.” – Theora, age 8


*Lexercise subscription provided by the Dyslexia Services Foundation, a non-profit established by the owners of Lexercise.

Jennifer Zamchiya, parent

Student’s age: 7 | Basic Therapy

“[My child] has made great progress. He’s gone from stumbling through a simple sentence to reading by himself at bedtime and reading Scripture in front of the congregation at church. So grateful for this online program!”

Lauren Kalik, parent

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“… I have to tell you, I had [my son]’s end of year IEP meeting yesterday. Here is a quote from the committee I met with:

‘In January [name redacted] was reading at the beginning of 2nd grade level, now he is reading at the end of 4th grade level. We’ve never seen such a huge jump in progress in that short of time. That tutor [Laura Sargent] you have is a miracle worker!’

I couldn’t agree more! Thank you so much for all your help with him, it’s truly amazing the progress he made in reading.”

Bruce Shields, adult client

Adult Client | Professional Therapy

“This does work… It’s been life changing. I recommend it personally to anyone.”

Mary Elizabeth Bradford

Student’s age: 9 | Basic Therapy

“I just wanted to let you know that after only 2 weeks of following your online program my child is making jaw-dropping progress. She just spelled 50 basic words with near perfect accuracy and is reading SO much better. Thank you so much. We were worried and slogging through material with little progress on our own…wondering what was wrong. Also, she is not mixing up her letters near as much and quickly deciphering words that used to leave her tongue-tied when we would go through them quickly. I am so relieved and truly grateful. And the orator has a lovely, lovely voice.”

Leighton and Sheena

Student’s age: 7 | Basic Therapy

“I did some research and found Lexercise… [I] knew there was a trial period, so what did I have to lose?

We’re very excited that we’ve done it. He started out on a Kindergarten level… and now he’s reading at a 2nd grade level… it’s amazing… we’re so excited!

I have seen that he has such a confidence now. Before, he didn’t really want to read… now that he does have a confidence of reading [he] actually wants to read.”

Michael Bucey

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“I have to tell you that your product has literally saved my son’s academic and social-emotional development from the ruin of our public school system… I don’t know where we would be today without it.”

Nicole Jack

Student’s age: 7 | Professional Therapy

“I simply cannot thank you all enough for your amazing program. Had it not been for you, my daughter would most likely still be crying in frustration as she desperately tried to read. It was horrible to watch as a parent…I felt so helpless. Now, seeing her read effortlessly is such a relief. Thank you all for the amazing work you do.

I was also very impressed with how quickly she improved. We were not even in the program a full year and she went from reading at a preschool level to 2nd grade level. Our instructor, Laura, greatly encouraged and uplifted my daughter through each step of the process. She has blossomed into a confident reader.”

Talisha Lawson

Student’s age: 10 | Professional Therapy

“[My son] went from a 1 (lowest score possible) on his end of the year testing in 3rd grade to a 4 (5 being the highest possible score) in 4th grade. Thank you so much for all you did for him! I will forever be grateful!”

Arden Turner

Student’s age: 11 | Professional Therapy

“I cannot say enough good things about Lexercise and the reading therapy that you have provided to [my son]. If it wasn’t for Lexercise we would still really be struggling. We do not live in an area where structured reading therapy is available or even known about much. The way Lexercise works has really been such a blessing for us. It has been well worth the time and the cost… SO thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Leila Worthy

Student’s age: 14 | Professional Therapy

“I was skeptical to start Lexercise. The cost was high we than other programs and I was not sure if it was going to be a waste of time. I am glad to say that I was proven wrong. In six months, [name redacted] Lexile score went up 300 points. What was even more impressive is that during the six months, we moved from Germany to the United States. Our therapist was flexible and the lexercise platform made it easy to do the work from anywhere at anytime. I would recommend this program for any child struggling with reading.”

Sue Reed

Student’s age: 8 | Professional Therapy

“I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for Lindsey [Blackburn]. Since starting her work with Lindsey and Lexercise [my child] has made enormous gains in her ability to read, spell, handwriting, organization, and approach to words. It’s been amazing from a purely academic standpoint.

However what I am the most thankful for is Lindsey’s approach to [my child]. She just “gets” her and is so able to inspire and motivate [my child] to keep  doing the hard stuff and reading has been so hard for her. She hated it. Lindsey is a gifted, talented educator and we feel so lucky to have found her.

… She says her favorite school subject is reading. That made me cry… Thanks for all the hard work you all do at Lexercise it makes such a difference.”

Heather Leavitt, parent

Student’s age: 12 | Professional Therapy

“My son worked throughout the years with multiple tutors before we found the Lexercise program. The key reasons that encouraged us to try this program were the flexibility in schedule, the daily reinforcement through the online games and the guarantee that he would improve one grade level in two months or his third month was free. My son had limited success with tutors in the past and was 4 years behind grade level in reading when he began working with Tori. Within a month, I noticed he was more confident and was not complaining about school reading assignments. His teachers commented that he would now volunteer to read aloud in class.

He is typically anxious at the end of the school year when he takes the end of year testing.
The icing on the cake for me happened when I asked him how his reading and spelling testing went and he said, ‘It went pretty well. Tori has helped me a lot.’ He went on to tell me in his own words how her methodology had translated into success in a concrete way.

We are now integrating a targeted writing piece into his work with Tori. It is obvious to both my son and I that she has the background and experience to help. We feel lucky to have found Lexercise.”

Rebekah Van Der Hengst

Professional Therapy

“We have experienced great success, her reading has drastically improved…I’ve seen her improve rapidly compared to any other method I’ve tried…She is now reading for fun!”


Michele Castle, parent

Student’s age: 10 | Professional Therapy

“My kids just took the entrance exams to get into a private school and passed on grade level! This is a real accomplishment! The kids really liked working with their teacher and played their games with no arguments every single day, even on holidays, without complaint. I’m grateful for the therapy and believe it was entirely worth the investment of time and money.”

Lauren Furman, parent

Student’s age: 13 | Professional Therapy

“I am a Speech-Language Pathologist…I know the importance of providing the right remediation. With Lexercise, for the first time, we were able to address our son’s specific reading needs and as a result his reading skills have greatly improved.  Even more important to us though, his self-confidence and self-esteem have improved.”

Teiro, parent

Professional Therapy

“The progress my son has made in one year has, in my opinion, been miraculous! Tori is a spectacular reading therapist.”

Mitzi Reavis RN BSN, parent

Student’s age: 7 | Professional Therapy

“Our family is currently doing Lexercise with our 7 year old dyslexic son. He is doing well and loves it. We [meet for therapy] at home once per week online with my laptop and a webcam. Our son then has prescriptive Lexercise games to do daily. I also have lesson material sent to me via email to work with him as well. Our 18 year old eldest son is dyslexic as well. Years ago we tutored with Sandie Barrie-Blackley the Founder of Lexercise in her private practice. She is a great [therapist] and my son did excellent. We loaded our children in the car and drove to the appointment and waited while our son tutored.

Fast forward to today – would I choose to drive to a tutor lesson or Lexercise in the comfort of my home? I love having tutoring in my home and not having to travel. Sandie was a great tutor, but I enjoy Lexercise at home and am thankful she had the vision to create it.”

Kim Wentzlaff, parent

Professional Therapy

“I love that we can do the therapy in the comfort of our own home at a time that fits our schedule. I also love the daily practice with the online games and partnership with our clinical educator.”