Elizabeth McGaughran
  • University logo

    College of William and Mary

    B.A. in History and Elementary Education


  • University logo

    University of Texas at Tyler

    Master of Education in Reading


Training and Experience Highlights
  • ALTA

    Certified Academic Language Therapist


  • CERI

    Certified Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist


Elizabeth McGaughran, M.Ed., CALT, C-SLDS

Lexercise Director of Professional Development
About the Author

Elizabeth is the director of Lightworks Learning Center and director of professional development at Lexercise. She is a Certified Academic Language Therapist with ALTA and a Certified Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist with CERI. She completed a 40-hour course on diagnosing learning differences at the June Shelton School in Dallas, TX. Elizabeth has training and experience in the Sequential English Education (SEE) Curriculum, Take Flight, Framing Your Thoughts, and Think SRSD. She has worked in public, private, and charter schools since 1999.

She opened Lightworks Learning Center in 2018 to offer structured literacy intervention using the Lexercise Structured Literacy Curriculum™. She works with a team of literacy therapists who provide structured literacy intervention to struggling readers. Elizabeth has administered Language Processing Evaluations as an evaluating clinician with Lexercise since 2020. She joined the Lexercise profession education team in 2020 to provide oral reviews of assessments and exams with teacher trainees. As of April 2024, she oversees Lexercise’s three-course professional education sequence as instructor of Course 1 (The Structure of Written English), Course 2 (Multisensory, Structured Literacy Intervention), and Course 3 (Practicum in Structured Literacy Therapy).

Fun Facts
  •   Elizabeth struggled with spelling as a child. She reports that she loved reading novels and could ace weekly spelling tests. However, she was terrified to read aloud and made many spelling errors in her writing. In her effort to understand her spelling woes so she could help others, her master's thesis was on how we learn to spell. This research project was eye-opening. It began her journey to learning more about dyslexia and research-backed interventions.
  •   As a mother of three, she enjoys supporting her children in their extracurricular activities. She can often be found on the sidelines or in the audience cheering them on.
  •   Elizabeth still enjoys reading historical fiction novels. She also likes gardening. Although she says she does not have a green thumb, her herb garden has pride of place in the kitchen window.

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Testimonial image

Rebecca, Lexercise Parent

“The Lexercise program and our amazing tutor, were able to dramatically improve my child’s spelling and writing skills in the course of one year. It gave him more confidence and many more tools to help him learn based on the way his brain retains information. His teacher was able to move at his pace and help him make progress quickly...”

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